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University verification and validation

Two university teams spent over three years on verification and validation of the CBFEM method using three-level testing with various software and real experiments to perform and compare analysis method. All verification and validation studies are published and available to the engineering public.
Multiple new verification studies are running with many other universities in the world (the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, South America, etc.).

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Verification and validation book

To help with the process of validation and verification of CBFEM method a monography "Component-based Finite Element Design of Steel Connections" has been prepared and published by professor Frantisek Wald and his team at Czech Technical University in Prague.

CBFEM powers multiple software tools

CBFEM has quickly become a standard of calculation engines in commercial software for connection design all around the world. These tools are trusted and interlinked with the most advanced and widespread software providers in the construction and engineering industry.

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Verification articles

There have been dozens of verification and validation articles published in academic and business publications.

Get a deeper insight into the CBFEM method by reading them thoroughly

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