CBFEM principles
CBFEM is a synergy of the Component Method and FE analysis.
The CBFEM method is based on the idea that most of the verified and very useful parts of the Component Method should be kept. The weak point of the Component Method – its generality when analyzing stresses of individual components – was replaced by modeling and analysis using the Finite Element Method (FEA).

What is CBFEM?
CBFEM is a unique method for design and code-check of steel connections, members, and anchoring. It can be used for the majority of joints, anchoring, and details of various topology.
The CBFEM method provides clear information about the behavior of the joint or member.
The method is quick, efficient and compliant with the code.
How does CBFEM work?
CBFEM splits the whole joint into separated components — steel plates, welds, bolts, anchors and concrete blocks. The analysis model is created automatically from each component.
Design-oriented FEA is optimized to deliver results relevant for code-check and at the same time covers the real structure behavior.

CBFEM analysis model
Before the analysis starts, the connection CBFEM model is automatically generated. It consists of plates, bolts, anchors and welds. All plates are meshed with shell elements. Bolts and anchors are represented by special nonlinear springs and welds are discretized and modeled as special constrains enabling the stress redistribution due to their plastification.
Why is CBFEM unique?
CBFEM method is robust and general without limits in topology, design or loading. Thanks to its various verification and validation procedures, it is an absolutely reliable and proven method.
So, the only thing for you is to enjoy freedom in designing your model.